Welcome to MyCompany+
We Help You Connect
Your Company, Your Way.

Form Builder

Utilize our user-friendly form builder to create or adopt your current documents into digital format with limitless accessibility for all your employees. Update forms instantly and stay current to any changing industry standards within seconds. You'll have all the tools you need to make great forms that your users can begin to use as soon as you click that submit button. With no paper, filing cabinets, or folders, you'll save a ton of money and time!

Maintenance and Documentation

Stay on top of your documentation with automated reminder notifications for scheduled vehicle/equipment maintenance. The maintenance section allows you to ensure that your documentation will never be misplaced and will always be readily available to your workers when they need it. Manuals and specifications for all your materials, tools, and products are quickly and easily accessible at the tap of a button.


The MyCompany+ platform will extend the reach of your safety department like never before. Get notified when daily paperwork is submitted. Instantly review or audit submissions from wherever you are; more flexibility means you can more meaningfully prioritize your time. From management to tradesmen, everyone in your company has instant access to all of your relevant safety information. Upload your MSDS, work procedures, and training certifications, and easily avoid unnecessary downtime in your current projects. The culture of your safety program can be enhanced when these kinds of details have been made available to everyone.


Upload shareable information to the Human Resources section such as company policies, OH&S manuals, vacation requests, or training modules for orientations. The direction in which you take this section is up to you. You can make available whichever resources you feel are most valuable for those in your company to have mobile access to. HR also includes employee profiles, which can provide information to co-workers such as emergency contact information and access to uploaded training certifications. Avoid those disruptive phone calls to the main office and management; have everyone focus on the tasks at hand.

Inventory Tracking

Keep track of your equipment or tools going out and coming in. Use the material order form to automatically update inventory counts with each submission. Easily keep that count live and viewable with simple data entry in the inventory section. With MyCompany+, when someone orders any materials, you can track available quantities as well as where they were shipped to. Which means everything entered through the platform is tracked and stored on the database for you to utilize when doing inventory audits.


The Inventory and Forms sections both work hand-in-hand with your specific job profiles (or P.O #s). Administrators will have full control over approving and implementing new jobs or projects by allocating specific descriptions to be made available to all employees. Job information can be incorporated into each form or order and stored in your database for every submission made by your staff. Never lose a thing, review at will, download and store it all safely on a little hard drive during the year's end. It's time to clear out the storage room and recycle those years of paperwork!

"We’ve been using MyCompany+ for a couple months and it has streamlined our paperwork. No more missing paperwork and everything is saved, so if you have to be audited you just give somebody a flash drive. Totally customize your paperwork. It's simple to use and stores the crews' certificate information and everything. You could even upload tool instructions and view them on your phone in case anybody gets called on it, or even Scaffold components ratings. You can keep track of your gear list in the yard. The foreman on site can go on to his phone and put a gear order in for tomorrow and the yard gets it right away. Everything is streamlined." - Jason, Rhino Shrink Wrap

  • + Up to 3 Users
  • + Up to 7 Employee Profiles
  • + Stock Time Sheet and Material Order Forms Included
  • + Up to 3 custom forms
  • + Up to 50 inventory items
  • + Unlimited jobs
  • + Up to 10 Users
  • + Up to 30 Employee Profiles
  • + Stock Time Sheet and Material Order Forms Included
  • + Unlimited custom forms
  • + Up to 200 inventory items
  • + Unlimited jobs
  • + Up to 20 Users
  • + Unlimited Employee Profiles
  • + Stock Time Sheet and Material Order Forms Included
  • + Unlimited custom forms
  • + Unlimited inventory items
  • + Unlimited jobs
  • + Up to 30 Users
  • + Unlimited Employee Profiles
  • + Stock Time Sheet and Material Order Forms Included
  • + Unlimited custom forms
  • + Unlimited inventory items
  • + Unlimited jobs